Our intercultural country courses offer you the opportunity to expand your intercultural knowledge and understanding with intercultural e-learning. All you need is a computer with internet access.

General culture courses: basic sensitisation

This course is about getting started in the topic of Intercultural Competence. Based on simple models and interesting video sequences, the basis for the understanding of intercultural competence is laid. 


Here is an overview of our current e-learning country courses:


In German:

  • China Country Course: Prepare yourself and your staff for your Chinese business partners. Learn more about Chinese business etiquette, get to know some elements of Chinese business culture, such as Chinese pragmatism, and how to further increase the motivation of your Chinese employees. 
  • Japan Country Course :Prepare yourself and your staff for your Japanese business partners. Take practical tips from our courses on Japanese business etiquette and get to know some elements of Japanese business culture, such as perfectionism, and, among other things, deal with a different way of assuming responsibility.
  • India Country Course: Prepare yourself and your employees for your Indian business partners. Learn more about the Indian business etiquette, you will learn some elements of Indian business culture as cultivating relationships know and deal among others with unusual Enscheidungsprozessen. 
  • US Country Course: Prepare yourself and your staff for your American business partners. Take practical tips from our courses on American business etiquette, get to know some elements of American business culture, such as the ‘just do it’ approach and, among other things, deal with unknown hierarchical structures. 
  • South Korea Country Course: Prepare yourself and your staff for your Korean business partners. Learn about some elements of Korean business culture, such as actionism, and learn how to build a good business relationship with your talented Korean partners.


Available in English:

  • Country course Germany

To find out more about our country courses, please contact us.