The new challenge is called “Working together apart”.


What can you expect from our Leading and Working in Virtual Teams training?                                        

Employees and management are increasingly faced with the task of working in or leading remote teams, across distance, in different time zones and outside of the usual organisational framework.

In this seminar you will find out what makes a virtual team successful. You will analyse the effective use and purpose of virtual teamwork, the impact of different communication channels like telephone conferences, online-meetings and e-mails, and the appropriate media for various work situations. Furthermore will you discover helpful strategies for the development and maintenance of trusting working relationships with your relevant cultures over distance.

The focus of the training is:

  • From the vision to the result in the virtual team
  • Defining goals and tasks clearly
  • Building trust over distance
  • Chances and risks of task-oriented project work
  • Launching and leading virtual projects
  • Developing team guidelines for successful cross-border teamwork
  • Principles of virtual technology (telephone conferences, online-meetings and e-mails)
  • Professional delegation in virtual teams: remote leadership
  • Intercultural communication in a multinational team

Get to know us

Get to know us with a free taster for your company. Would you like to gain an impression of how we work in our in-house training?  

Sure! Book a 1 hour live online freelearning session for you, your company or your team on one of our training topics! Just drop us a line to book your sessions!


How do we train?

We offer this Blended Online Live Training (BOLT) as in-house live face-to-face training, or a live online training solution or indeed as hybrid training consisting of participants attending face-to-face and others joining live online.

Your learning process is complemented by selected pre- and post-training asynchronous learning elements in your dedicated virtual classroom

The format, contents and duration of your BOLT learning solution is aligned with you and optimized to meet your needs and your participants’ learning objectives.

You can choose from the following languages for your live online or live face-to-face training: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Turkish.

Please contact us for further information.

           It’s here! Our new book:

           Virtually Disastrous: What you really need to know about
           leadership across distance

How do you lead virtual teams to high performance?

Globalisation is here to stay – yet no one is really prepared. Many teams tasked with managing globalisation are clearly out of their depth. This is primarily because these teams work virtually and internationally over great distances. The team members no longer sit face to face in their offices, instead they communicate across countries and continents via modern communication media.

Leading a conventional team to top performance is difficult enough, not least because of the inevitable group dynamic involved. When the context becomes virtual, this all too often leads to management failure. This book describes in an entertaining style the art of leading virtual teams including practical tips, helpful suggestions, and numerous illustrative examples that span many industries and countries along the four core challenges of virtual team leadership today.